Become a member
Become a SISTUR member
To associate with SISTUR, fill out the membership form for individuals or the membership form for associations and email it to the treasurer:
The payment of the social share must be made in favour of the bank account registered with SISTUR at:
Banco BPM Agenzia n. 1003 Roma
IBAN IT 52 O 05584 03252 00000001097
It is recommended to write in the reason of the transfer first and last name of the member or the company nane and year (or years) to which the payment refers.
Please indicate in the email if the receipt of the payment is required, so the SISTUR secretariat can send the requested documentation immediately.
The annual social share is: € 60.00
Reduced quota for PhD students and fellows: € 30.00
Annual Social Share for Entities and Companies: € 200.00