Il Turismo delle radici in Italia. Origini, caratteristiche e opportunità per i territori
pubblicato nel numero 2021 anno 4

This research aims to provide useful reflections on the development of a sector that is still insufficiently known and may have important developments.
The catchment area that can be part of the roots' tourism is constantly increasing due to the dynamics of external migration that have historically characterized our country.
The tourism of the roots, just as a reflection of the past, prefers middle-aged people who, in addition to the availability of time and resources, have a strong identity vocation.
But the available statistical information fails to define this phenomenon's characteristics exhaustively.
Moreover, roots' tourism seems to express a different idea of tourism, less linked to leisure tourism.
The tourism of the roots is, in fact, mainly linked to the culture of the territories.
The narrative, also through digitalisation, becomes an opportunity to know their roots in a sustainability perspective because there can be no future without knowing their past