Gli effetti della pandemia in Sicilia. Per un cambiamento possibile
pubblicato nel numero 2020 anno 1/2

One first part presents some analyses on tourism in this Area until 2019, highlighting the lack of take-off of the sector and the low appeal that Sicilia, unlike what is commonly believed, also has for Italians, for domestic customers.
A second part focuses on the 30 main destinations in the region.
These 30 destinations represent 79.0% of total arrivals and 78.2% of total overnights in the region all; only for the movement of foreigners it’s the 86.9% of arrivals and 85.1% of attendances are identified.
For the first twenty destinations, the effects of the pandemic are estimated in terms of the decrease in customers compared to the previous year.
The effects of pandemia on the region and individual provinces are taken into account in the third part.
In 2020, the region is estimated to have an overall drop in attendance in a six-point range of-49.4% to -55.4%,depending on how the events evolve.
The book proposes a critical re-reading of tourism in the region in order to be able to rethink and govern in an innovative way that tourism development that until now could have been there but that has not been there.