Il turismo a Bisceglie. Il trend dell’ultimo decennio
pubblicato nel numero 2016 anno 1/2

The paper is a short case study on tourism in Bisceglie, a town with a population of about 55,000, in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, the smallest province of Apulia, created recently (2004) and which has been operational only since 2009.
Besides, provinces in Italy were abolished in 2014!
1.4% of all the inhabitants of Apulia live in Bisceglie, but the town accounts only for 0.5% of the tourist numbers in the region, clearly displaying the existence of a gap.
This short study highlights the weak development of the local tourism, with reference both to the offer and to demand , in striking contrast with the regional trend of strong growth and despite the good potentialities of the tourist market.