La condivisione delle strategie per il turismo sostenibile locale: il caso di Monsummano Terme
pubblicato nel numero 2016 anno 1/2

Tourism is a multidimensional phenomenon as it involves many sectors, people, families and populations. Since the seventies, authors agreed there are many kinds of tourism (ethnical, cultural and historical) linked to motivations, accommodations and the relationships between the tourist and the local community.
Tourism i also characterized by extreme complexity and it produces, in the long term, a significant impact on the environment, culture and destination. Issues about sustainability of tourism destination are increasing and local authorities have to manage and to coordinate tourism policies by combining stakeholders’ interest.
According to these different and divergent interest and to assure a unique tourism policy, Tuscany developed an integrated model aimed to identify shared policies for sustainability tourism, based on Tourist Destination Observers.
The research aims to outline – by using the case analysis – a model to identifying shared tourism policies to develop and to promote local destination according to stakeholders’ point of view.