Piano Strategico del Turismo 2017-22
pubblicato nel numero 2016 anno 4

For the first time in Italy a Strategic Plan for Tourism (Piano Strategico del Turismo), the PST 2017-2022 has been adopted and its aim is that of bringing tourism back to the center of national politics as a sustainable and durable development model of the cultural and natural resources of the Country.
This PST has been introduced with a new methodology based on the involvment of competencies and the activation of a Permanent Committee for Tourism Promotion, under the coordination of the General Directorate for Tourism of the Ministry of Cutural Heritage and Activities and Tourism.
Several working sessions were held together with the participation of more Ministries, the Regions and the economic and trade union representatives ; especially two sessions, defined as States General for Tourism, took place in Portici at the Railway Museum in Pietrarsa, October 2015 and April 2016.
The four general aims of the Plan consist of thirteen specific objectives and fiftytwo operation guidelines:
The enhancement , in an integrated manner, of the strategic areas of tourist attraction and relative products ;
The increase of competition in the field ;
The develpoment of effective and innovative marketing ;
The realization of an effective governance also active in the process of elaborating and defining the Plan and tourism policies.