Strategie, azioni e politiche per lo sviluppo del turismo
pubblicato nel numero 2019 anno 1/2

The document proposes a reflection on two examples of strategic planning for tourism development elaborated at different levels:
1. the National Strategic Plan of Tourism (PST) 2017-2022 which represents an example of strategic planning elaborated at national level and which has used a direct involvement of institutional and operational stakeholders as actors in the sector; 2. some cases of "internal areas" that have declined at local level their own strategy for tourism development within the National Strategies for Internal Areas (SNAI).
The objective of this reflection is to offer a contribution to the question of coherence between strategies and actions. This coherence is influenced by numerous factors, among which the complex and often precarious balance between demand (needs, prospects) and supply (specific measures, actions) for development. In this framework, can be considered among the methodological keys to consolidate the relationship between strategies and actions.
the modalities and intensity of listening to the actors involved in various ways in the strategic planning process and in the subsequent implementation of the interventions.