Un modello di ospitalità made in Italy: l’albergo diffuso
pubblicato nel numero 2016 anno 4

The albergo diffuso (scattered hotel) on the territory is an innovative concept of hospitality which was launched in Italy and only recently has begun to spread out, especially at an entrepreneur level, in the international context.
The first facilities have begun operating in Italy since 2000.
After having conducted a survey questionnaire among the albergo diffuso managers, the research revealed that we are dealing with PMI (piccole e medie imprese turistiche/small and medium tourist enterprises), quite reduced in size, but largely comparable to traditional hotels with activities which enable guests to get to know the local life and culture; though not all structures seem to have consolidated relations with the territory in which they operate.
The albergo diffuso has a relevant role in the realization of sustainability policies, especially considering that these facilities do not need new buildings and allow recovery of the exsisting dwellings.
In terms of marketing and promotion, the trend is that of utilizing a mix of digital and traditional channels and value local realities in cooperation with the institutions.
As an enterprise, the albergo diffuso is classified among the PMI and family business.