Un modello statistico sui fattori che influenzano il mantenimento della certificazione ambientale delle imprese del turismo
pubblicato nel numero 2016 anno 3

This work, which is set up as a continuation of a previous research, focuses on tourist businesses holding ISO 14001, EMAS and Ecolabel as environmental certifications. In particular, it aims to identify factors that impact on the intention, on the part of tourist businesses, to maintain the already acquired environmental certification.
The explanatory power of several variables was rated.
Among the main targets achieved by the companies following the certification, we tested the image enhancement, the increased customer satisfaction and the increased competitiveness.
Among the benefits observed, cost reduction, acquisition of new customers and the increased involvement of employees were considered; finally, the study assessed the influence of the benefits achieved by the institutions and, as potential deterrents, the types of obstacles met in the certification process.
From a methodological point of view, being the response variable dichotomous (maintaining environmental certification), in order to identify the predictive factors, it was considered appropriate to estimate a generalized linear model and, in particular, the logistic regression model which appears to be a methodologically adequate solution in the given context. The application of the model allowed the identification of a subset of explanatory variables that influence the phenomenon investigated significantly.